Mistborn: The Beginning of a Great Obsession

Well after what feels like a forever long hiatus, I’m back! My life went all sorts of crazy all at once and sadly put a damper on my reading. My husband and I made the mistake (except not) of watching Supernatural one time a couple weeks ago on Netflix and then never stopped… that I’m not mad about. I would even recommend it as long as you don’t have anything else in your life that you need to be concerned about. Also, I’m bad and sometimes sneak in a couple (or five or ten) chapters at work on my kindle, but we had a huge, tedious, and mostly frustrating deadline that ended on Friday. I therefore would never recommend working for the government for any reason. And we also found out we’re moving… so lots of exciting life research is happening.. I mean, you have to know exactly where all the farmers markets and kayaking spots, etc. are before you get there.

But I did manage to read one book during the time I normally would have read 4. So on to the review…


5 of 5 stars! Bumped up to 10!!!

Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson is the beginning of The Final Empire series. And this series has by far the most interesting and inventive fantasy premise that I have ever read. (And I’m a Tolkien fangirl, so I do not say this lightly.) The story centers around Allomancers, people who gain powers by ingesting and burning metals – pretty stinking cool, right? When burning tin, senses are enhanced so you can see farther, in the dark, hear better, etc. With iron/steel you can push/pull metals objects (like telepathy). Brass and zinc give the power to control emotions… and the list goes on. There are 10 metals that can be burned, all with different effects. The Allomancers are people who only have the power to burn one metal. A Mistborn has the power to burn all 10 metals and is extremely rare.

Society in this story is highly factioned with a ruler who may or may not also be God and who has oppressed the skaa as slaves for the nobility and uses Allomancy to keep them depressed. But then there’s Kelsier, who is the most successful thief in Luthadel, the capital city and seat of the Lord Ruler, and has also become a profound symbol of hope. He was imprisoned where people are sent to die and also happens to be the only one to have ever escaped. So obviously he has a crazy side and almost gets himself killed quiet frequently. But he now knows the Lord Ruler’s secret, and he’s on a mission to overthrow the Lord Ruler. Kelsier also is a Mistborn… he’s basically the hero of all heroes. Then enters Vin, a young girl who does not know she has Allomantic powers, who Kelsier saves and trains in the midst of trying to pull off this scheme of rebellion. Vin is shy and untrusting but brave and loyal. She is clever and a force to be reckoned with. Vin is awesome!!

And that’s just the beginning.. there’s so much going on in this book. Members of the thieving ring pose as imposters in different areas of the city using their different Allomantic powers, each having a personality all their own. The depth of all of the characters is phenomenal. Every single character is awesome! There is so much EMOTION. The plot is steadily moving and had me engrossed from the beginning until the very end. Even within 60 pages of the end, it seemed like there was no way the story would wrap up. But it did!! And it actually didn’t leave too many plot lines hanging like some fantasy books do. It left just enough open to set up for a great series.

I love this book with my whole heart, and Brandon Sanderson is automatically on my list of favorites. I dare say this is the definition of a perfect book.

It’s long, but oh so good, and worth every minute it takes to read. So if you’re a fantasy lover, please go read this so we can be fangirls together!!